Exercise Your Soul

Taking care of your health is more than just eating right and working on physical fitness. Let’s face it, after a long day at the office, sometimes hitting the gym on the way home just doesn’t sound appealing, or may not be possible. Health and wellness is not about 6-pack abs, but about taking care of your “whole” Self—attending to your mind, body and soul.  It’s about finding moments of true happiness, and feeling amazing on the inside. It is about feeling inspired, and to find gratitude and appreciation for the little things; including appreciation for yourself.

Here are some simple exercises to nourish your soul:

Take a walk outside (in the sunshine!)

Take a walk and practice mindfulness—actively being aware of the moment and noticing everything around you. Notice how warm and wonderful the sunshine feels! Even just taking a 10-minute walk in the sunshine—soaking up a little bit of Vitamin D (courtesy of the giant flaming star in the sky)—has awesome health benefits! Vitamin D can give your immune system a boost, aid with calcium and phosphorous absorption (combating osteoporosis), and improve your mood. Just remember to wear sunscreen!


Keep a “Smile Journal”

Carry a small journal with you, and jot down a phrase or two when you have a moment of joy—when you notice yourself smiling, or feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside. This is a moment of inspiration! Savor it! After all, studies show that those who keep a gratitude journal (similar to a “smile journal”) enhance their psychological health, having less stress and improved sleep.

Be creative. Have fun with a coloring book!

Reconnect to your inner child, and work on a coloring book! Coloring is a simple practice that stimulates the right hemisphere of your brain: the area that relates to motor skills, the senses, creativity, and emotions. Coloring books stimulate wellness, and act as an amazing stress-reliever.

There are hundreds of coloring books for adults! Purchase one on Amazon.com (I recommend “The Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book”), or even print mandala templates free online. Check out www.printmandala.com.


Write a poem!

Despite what you may have learned in school, poetry has no rules! Simply write down phrases—try doing it fast so as to not overthink it. Or, try “Blackout Poetry” instead! Use a page from an old book (or newspaper) and circle the words you like with a pen, stringing them together like a poem…then use a dark marker to blackout the rest. For examples and more detailed instructions, check out www.makeblackoutpoetry.com.



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